Bee Pollen can help relieve springtime allergies
Bee pollen is nature’s most complete food, rich in B vitamins, minerals, amino acids and a complete source of protein. An all-around nutritional supplement, bee pollen is ideal for daily use and is considered a almost perfect food.
Bee pollen is the pollen gathered by the female worker bee while visiting flowers. It is carried on her hind legs and they brought back to the hive for food. Bee pollen contains 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, and more than 5,000 enzymes and coenzymes necessary for digestion and healing. A little known fact is that bee pollen is also rich in the bioflavonoid rutin, important for capillary strength, and in vitamin B12. It is, in fact, one of the few vegetable sources of this vitamin.
Experiments reveal that bee pollen is an amazing biological stimulant with healing properties. Bee pollen may also protect against wind-borne allergens that cause hay fever and even asthma. By ingesting bee pollen local to the area you live, your body is building up a natural tolence to the pollen you breathe in the air. Thus, desensitizing your body to the pollen blowing in the air. Try this a few months before allergies season and you will see the difference.
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, believed that bee pollen contributed to long life. Bee pollen reportedly can keep the skin youthful looking. A number of Olympic athletes and prominent professional boxers have attributed their improved energy and stamina to a regular intake of bee pollen.
Bee pollen granules should be taken in small doses as your body become accostomed to it. It should be eaten raw with a spoonful of honey, peanut butter. It can be sprinkled over salad or cereal, added to smoothies or eaten as is.